SOS recent production
Request Line Excerpt Created for Entertainment Revue of Tampa, FL
Run! Country Song written and produced by Kent Smith/Soundsmith Productions Performed by Sony Artist CP Kelley from his album EVOLUTION also recorded and mastered at Soundsmith Productions
Home Country song excerpt recorded and produced by Kent Smith, Soundsmith Productions, Tampa
Little Girl of Mine Recorded by Boomerz at Soundsmith Productions from their latest album NEVER SAY GOODBYE…
The Man I Love Excerpt Accompaniment track showing some of our orchestral scoring capabilities
The Prayer-Recorded by Michael Daly (
Come Let Us Celebrate Messianic Christian Song Performed by A. John Krishak
Cantare tu Verdad Song excerpt by Orlando vocal group Arco Iris from their upcoming album. Recorded and produced at Soundsmith Productions, Tampa, FL
U R Life Christian Song produced and recorded at Soundsmith Productions, Tampa by Kent Smith
More Coming Soon!